I hire writers who share these values:
Papers must be 100% original and pass a plagiarism checker.
Writers follow instructions carefully.
The writing style should be clear and concise.
Transactions must be completely private and secure.
Help should be available every day, or almost every day.
The customer owns the rights to the paper. The customers can make changes to the paper, or add to it.
Writers must be completely comfortable with APA referencing and able to use any other style of referencing upon request.
Meet every requirement, every time, so customers will feel confident when they order through WriterBoss.
After twelve years in this business, I’ve worked with some of the most effective writers in every academic discipline. They have been through graduate school, and they know the dissertation process. Most importantly, they’re serious about getting results for the people who hire them.
Professional academic writers will…
Follow detailed instructions.
Write original papers that can pass Turnitin.
Include a free title page and bibliography/Works Cited.
Use APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, and other citation styles.
Cite high-quality books and journal articles, and they will even use readings from your class to complete assignments.
Essays, Papers, Coursework, Discussion Posts, Research Proposals, Dissertations, Thesis Papers, PowerPoint Presentations.
If you are an experienced writer:
Many brilliant graduates in the United States are capable of writing papers – but they’re hidden in an Internet full of scam websites and unreliable people. Contact me if you have superhuman work ethic and you know how to write great papers.
If you are a writer with at least 1 year of experience working in the academic writing industry, I invite you to send your resume, writing samples, or sales pitch: Help@WriterBoss.com
Tell me about your professional goals and any areas of specialized knowledge (computer science, statistical analysis, areas of extensive research). If you are intuitive, responsive, and reasonable I am glad to connect with you, but most people who think they want to do this kind of writing ultimately decide they do not like it.
Even if you are only thinking of getting started as a professional academic writer, I would like to hear from you. Your style may be exactly what a customer needs, and the most important expectation is to be reliable and work hard to make sure the papers meet all the requirements. It’s easy to recognize real professionalism and sincerity.
Inexperienced writers think they can do anything, but they quit when they figure out that this work really is all about doing exactly what the customer needs.
Experienced writers are often “spoiled”. They have probably done some work with these cheap websites where students get vague, structure-less papers that don’t carry any real meaning.
If your APA has errors, the customer is not going to hire you.
If you cite outdated sources, or just string a lot of quotes together with filler in between, the customer will discontinue the project.
If you’re an expressive artist and want to follow your own ideas instead of following the assignment instructions, this is not the website for you.
My intention is to meet the needs of busy, professional people who have families and obligations to balance with their degree programs. If they hire you, it’s because they’re relying on your expertise to make sure all requirements are fulfilled.
Every paper needs to have a theme that makes it worth reading. The papers you write will become contributions to the ongoing discourse about a topic. That is a big deal. The customers want papers that meet all requirements, and the language style has to be straightforward and clear.